Dr David Horan was invited by the School of Philosophy in Melbourne to run...
The Foundation is supporting exciting work being undertaken by Dr Alesia Preite, a post-doctoral...
Dr Horan led two study programmes in August this year on the theme of...
Today, as much as ever, the world needs the wisdom, humanity and practical guidance of Plato and the Platonic Tradition - whether we are engaging in the art of dialogue and rational debate, seeking to be wise and just in our dealings with each other or wishing to understand the elements of a well governed society.
The Foundation assists individuals and organisations who undertake research, scholarship and education, and otherwise advance the wisdom of Plato and the Platonic tradition.
The Foundation sponsored a two-day conference of international scholars on ‘Virtue, Conversation, Knowledge: Plato...
Each year the Foundation awards an annual prize for final year students studying at...
The Foundation has agreed to provide financial support to a third year PHD student,...
The Foundation sponsored the 21st Annual Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies,...
33 dialogues have now been translated and are with the publisher undergoing final proofing...
For the second year running, one our trustees, Margot Camp, led a ‘Plato Retreat’...
The Foundation has established an annual prize for final year students studying at King’s...
In May 2023, one of the Foundation’s trustees, Margot Camp, ran a retreat on...
The Foundation believes that to sustain scholarship in the Platonic Tradition, it is vital...