The work of the Foundation is made possible by the generous support of individuals who share our commitment to promoting Platonic wisdom. Your support enables us to continue funding those who undertake research, scholarship and education, and otherwise advance the wisdom of Plato and the Platonic for the benefit of all.
There are several ways you can support the work of the Foundation:
We will conduct our fundraising activities in a way that respects our donors, beneficiaries and the public.
We will not exert undue pressure on donors to support the Foundation.
We will truly represent the Foundation, its needs for funds and how they will be applied.
Donations will be used for the purposes for which they are made.
We will explain to donors and the public what use the Foundation makes of donations made to it.
Communications with donors and the public will be open and transparent.
If you would like to contribute to the work of the Foundation, you may do so by making a donation below.
Any donation, no matter how large or small, is greatly appreciated.
Account Name: The Foundation for Platonic Studies
IBAN: IE57BOFI90109547967980
You can donate either through PayPal or Credit\Debit Card, using the form below, or by bank transfer using the following details:
Please note that the default currency for PayPal donations is Euro.