Dr David Horan was invited by the School of Philosophy in Melbourne to run a week’s summer school for 100 delegates on Plato’s Crito and Book 1 of The Laws from 14 to 20 December 2024. The event opened with a lecture given by Dr
Horan on ‘Plato’s Last Word’ which set the scene for the study for the week.
In his lecture, Dr Horan proposed that it is out of reverence for the great and noble virtue, justice, that Socrates leaps to her defence, and in the process, delivers The Republic and The Laws, two masterful philosophical treatises that have as much relevance today as at the time of writing. What guides ‘law making’ in our modern day world? What guides our own personal choices? Is it pleasure and pain? Perhaps opinion? Perhaps wealth or honour? Plato will always point us back to first principles, true and universal qualities which, if honoured, will be sure to keep us safe and lead to happiness for all.
During the summer school, delegates met in smaller groups to read and discuss Plato’s Crito and Apology. While the discussions inevitably covered a wide range of topics, many of the delegates found that they were drawn back to a consideration of what guided their own personal choices and what it meant to live lawfully and by reference to first principles. From all accounts, a good time was had by all, and many of the delegates left hoping another Plato summer school will take place next year.